Welcome friend, thanks for stopping by!
Aw! It’s September and you may be feeling excited to work in your yard or garden. We’ve put together a garden to-do list for this cooler month along the Wasatch Front in Utah.
You may not need to do everything on this list. For example, if you don’t have roses, then you won’t need to worry about letting the hips form. Just pick what applies to your yard and plan out when you will do it all throughout the month!
Garden To-Do List for September
➺Spend Labor Day Enjoying your garden. You’ve put in a lot of effort and now enjoy!
➺Plant Trees & Shrubs – Fall is a great time to plant container nursery stock. Plus take advantage of fall sales.
➺Watch Reports For Frost Warnings and cover tender crops if necessary.
➺Work Mulch & Organic Matter into your garden and flower beds. Grass clippings or shredded leaves by the lawn mower work well.
➺Stop Dead-Heading roses and let hips form.
➺Purchase and Plant Spring Bulbs from your local nursery. Ex: Tulips, daffodils, crocus, etc. Remember quality makes a huge difference. Bigger bulb means bigger bloom. Be sure to plant at proper depth with a complete fertilizer.
➺Plant Pansies & Primrose along with your spring bulbs for earlier spring color!
➺Launch a Final Battle Against Snails and Slugs – Fall is the best time to take care of them before they lay eggs and they go into hibernation for the winter. {check out THIS article for 3 simple ways to control snails!}
➺Last Treatment for peach twig borer
➺Treat Lawn Weeds with weed spray.
➺Lay Seed for a new lawn, or lay sod.
➺Divide & Transplant Spring and Summer Blooming Perennials – if necessary. May divide fall blooming perennials once they are done blooming.
➺Visit State Fair for some true inspiration from fellow citizens and gardeners.
➺Start Feeding Wild Birds, if you stopped in the spring.
➺Don’t let Fallen Leaves Accumulate on your Lawn – Rake them up, pile them elsewhere and use them as mulch in your next year’s garden. Leaves left on the lawn can invite disease if not kill your grass.
Be sure to check out October’s Gardening To-Do List too!